
New Website Home Image v2
New Website Launched

July 2024

I am delighted to announce the launch of my first ever photography website at The site has been self-designed and developed using WordPress and Elementor software and optimised for desktop computers, mobiles and tablets. At this early stage the site is primarily only intended to act as a showcase for a selection of my landscape, architectural and street photographs. Whilst the website features a book page, which currently references two small self-published portfolio publications, these books were created principally as a form of personal photographic development rather than for commercial purposes. In the future, and as my library of portfolio books grow (and improve), I hope to make publications available for purchase

The site also features a news page, of which this is the first post. The news section will also enable me to post various topics of
interest as I develop my photographic 
oeuvre. There is a contact page if you wish to ask questions, provide comment and hopefully offer constructive encouragement as I set off on my photographic journey. There are also ‘links’ to my Facebook and Instagram photography pages in the social media footer section of the website although please note that these are still in the early stages of development.

RPS OU Cert Photo

RPS Certificate in Photography

August 2024

I am thrilled to announce that I have successfuly completed and passed the online course for Digital Photography, created and presented jointly by The Royal Photographic Society (RPS) and The Open University.

The final course assessment required a presentation of 10 images set alongside a written response to four questions, which included providing a brief overview of the selection, their ordering and titles and two other questions set to demonstrate visual awareness and technical quality, firstly with reference to  one particular selected image and secondly in comparing and contrasting two further images. A number of the photographs presented are featured on the website.